So you’ve finished taking “The Science of Finding Flow”?
Wondering what now? Well, I have good news and I have bad news, folks. First the good news: You’ve already done the bulk of the work that you’ll need to do to regularly find your flow. Now you just need to practice. Practice doesn’t necessarily make perfect, but practice does make permanent. The not-so-good news is that finding flow is a skill that you’ll need to practice a lot in order to master.
Many moons ago, when I was in graduate school and had two very small children, I did a year of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to reduce my chronic anxiety. At the end of the year I wasn’t feeling quite so nervous all the time, and my therapist recommended I stop formal therapy and start doing “self-therapy.”
She handed me a worksheet and recommended I schedule time with myself each month to check-in and fill out the worksheet. If I started backsliding again, I could always come back.
You are where I was all those years ago: Ready to start coaching yourself.
It’s important to literally schedule time on your calendar to do this self-coaching. If you find that you are backsliding, revisit this course. Your enrollment lasts a full year.
Here is all you have left to do:
1. Put a monthly 20-minute meeting on your calendar. Include a link to this worksheet, which you’ll need for your self-coaching.
2. Put an annual meeting on your calendar to revisit the core activities of Unit 2: CHOOSE. Schedule something a year from the day that you started this course (or a week or so earlier, so you still have access if you need it).
Here’s what you’ll need to ask yourself at that annual meeting:
1. How do you want to feel in the coming year?
2. What are your five top priorities?
Seriously, people, put these down as recurring events on your calendar. (Right now! Imagine you have a meeting with me! Do it during the work day! Don’t feel guilty about taking time for yourself that is likely to make you more productive in the long run!)
That’s it. You’ve done it! You’ve finished! You now have what it takes to find your flow!
Congratulations! You’ve reached an important milestone, but remember: This isn’t the end. This course can continue to be life-changing for you, and I look forward to continuing to see you leave comments and suggestions and questions in the comment boxes over the coming year; please don’t hesitate to post questions if you run into a stumbling block or two. I am here for you!
Warmest regards,
Christine Carter
This post wraps up the “Science of Finding Flow,” an online course I created as a companion to my book The Sweet Spot: How to Accomplish More by Doing Less. Want to go on to the next class or start the course from the beginning? It’s free! Just go to The Science of Finding Flow course page. Enjoy!