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Author: Christine Carter

Happiness Tip: Lean Into Difficult Emotions

“What do you do when you feel sad?” people often ask me.

(Some even ask, “Do you ever get sad?”) Yes, OF COURSE I feel sadness, anger, anxiety — sometimes downright misery — just like everyone else.

Leading a joyful life does NOT mean always trying to be happy. At the same time, I’m not really one for rumination. Meaning: I make an effort to feel my feelings—often deeply—and then, if the feelings are negative, I move on. (Did you know that most strong emotions last only 90 seconds if you accept them?) There are a host of benefits to not overthinking things; check out my post on Positively Positive for more about what to do when we’re unhappy.

Take Action: ACCEPT difficult feelings that arise for you. The key is not to deny what we are feeling, but rather to lean into our feelings, even if they are painful. Take a moment to be mindful and narrate: I’m feeling anxious right now, or This situation is making me tense. Hang in there with unpleasant feelings at least long enough to acknowledge them.

See if you can objectify your feelings a little bit: where in your body to you feel them? Do they
have a color? A texture? A shape?

Join the Discussion: Does this help your negative feelings dissipate? Share in the comments below!

Happiness Tip: Talk to Strangers

Lucky people meet their perfect partners, achieve their lifelong ambitions, find fulfilling careers, and live happy and meaningful lives. Their success is not due to their working especially hard, being amazingly talented, or being exceptionally intelligent. Instead, they appear to have an uncanny ability to be in the right place at the right time and enjoy more than their fair share of lucky breaks.”
–Dr. Richard Wiseman

Believe it or not, scientific research shows that luck can be cultivated. When we do the things that “lucky” people do, we become luckier (and happier) ourselves! Here’s a starter tip: Lucky people talk to strangers. They greet strangers in coffee shops, talk to people in lines, chat with fellow airline passengers.

Take Action: This week, cultivate luck by greeting the people around you with a smile and a little conversation starter. (“Beautiful day, eh?” will work.) The bonus is that when we model lucky behavior, our kids pick it up.

Join the discussion: How do you kickstart a conversation with strangers?  Share in the comments!

Welcome Dr. Oz Show Viewers

Hello Dr. Oz Show viewers!  

If you’re on this website for the first time, welcome! We are so glad you are here. We offer tools for raising happiness: in you, your family, and your community. If you haven’t already, I hope you’ll sign up to receive my free Happiness Tips emails!



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Happiness Tip: Be Kind

Do something kind today for someone who’s a regular part of your life.

There is a lot of scientific evidence that happiness and kindness are deeply intertwined (see “What You Get When You Give.”) For that reason, I don’t think we can be truly, lastingly happy if we are not also kind.

Take action: This week, take a moment to look beyond yourself and focus on what you have in common with others. Being kind doesn’t need to take extra time; it can be a simple shift in your mindset. See if you can go about your daily business with an air of kindness towards everyone in your path. As the Dalai Lama has famously said: “Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.”

Join the discussion: Have you noticed your how your kindness to others impacts your own feelings of content? Share in the comments below.