This inspiring short, created by a 20-year old in an AARP contest entitled “U@50”, uses an elegant device to articulate the importance of being a responsible citizen and living a meaningful life. Simply brilliant.
Author: Christine Carter
Thursday Thought
Perhaps everything terrible is in its deepest being something helpless that wants help from us.”
–Rainer Maria Rilke
Time with kids? Or time to yourself?
Since my book Raising Happiness was published, I’ve met so many unhappy parents I’ve come to believe there might just be an epidemic of unhappiness in them — especially in the parents of young children. While there probably isn’t an epidemic of depression in parents, I’m pretty sure there IS an epidemic of busyness. Do this little thought experiment with me: imagine that you have some free time — a whole afternoon to yourself. Do you take that time to take a nap and read a good book? To work? To play with a friend? Do you catch up on the laundry, and then take your kids to that newish trampoline place they’ve been begging to go? This short video from my Greater Good blog makes the case for NOT always spending more time with your kids.
Happiness Tip: Broadcast Your Good News
When you have good news, share it, because the sharing will make you even happier. This is Savoring 101: Positive emotions are amplified when we share them with others.
Sharing something positive that happened to you today will also make those around you happier. Positive emotions like joy and excitement, like all emotions, are contagious. So don’t hold back—go ahead and broadcast your great news!
Take action: Tell someone about something positive that happened this week. It will also make you more likely to remember the happy event.
Join the discussion: How do you feel when you share your good news? Share in the comments below!
Friday Inspiration
‘The Light That Shines’ a story for all from on Vimeo.
An inspiring reminder of the power of friendship, acceptance, self-confidence, healing, love, and optimism. Doesn’t get much happier than this.
Thursday Thought
It’s not so much about getting what you want as having what it takes to give to others.”
–Danielle LaPorte
It’s Summertime: Let’s Play!
Don’t squander your summer at work or at summer school — you’ll miss all the best benefits
There are a lot of great things about summertime, but for kids and adults alike I think the best part is all the potential downtime to just hang out and play.
Unless, of course, you are one of those people, as I sometimes am, that feels guilty not working all the time. Then downtime can be a little stressful. If that’s you, think of it this way: Play is actually productive. It makes us more creative. And for kids especially, the benefits social and emotional benefits are HUGE.
Kids today spend less time just playing than they did in previous generations, both indoors and out. All told, children have lost 8 hours per week of free, unstructured, and spontaneous play over the last two decades.
Researchers believe that this dramatic drop in unstructured play time is in part responsible for slowing kids’ cognitive and emotional development. Children’s capacity for self-regulation—their ability to control their emotions and behavior and to resist impulses—is much worse today than it was 60 years ago. In one study, today’s 5-year-olds had the self-regulation capability of a 3-year-old in the 1940s; the critical factor seems to have been not discipline, but play.

The benefits of play are great — more far-reaching than just helping kids blow off steam or get a little physical exercise. In addition to helping kids learn to self-regulate, studies show that child-led, unstructured play (with or without adults) promotes intellectual, physical, social, and emotional well-being. Unstructured play helps children learn how to work in groups, to share, to negotiate, to resolve conflicts, to regulate their emotions and behavior, and to speak-up for themselves.
“Neuroscientists, developmental biologists, psychologists, social scientists, and researchers from every point of the scientific compass now know that play is a profound biological process,” says Stuart Brown, a leading play researcher. Play “shapes the brain and makes animals smarter and more adaptable,” he says. It fosters empathy in kids, and lies at the very heart of creativity and innovation. And the ability to play has a profound effect on our happiness.
The good news is that while children do need time and space to “practice playing,” they know innately how to play. Grown-ups need to respect kids’ play as a built-in mechanism for becoming more socially intelligent, more creative—and happier. Here are three things to keep in mind when playing with your kids:
- Let kids lead. When we find ourselves saying things like “I like the game you are playing, but why don’t you let Sarah be the girl and you be the daddy?”, we are probably dominating too much. Don’t correct your kids when they are playing unless they are being unkind.
- Don’t play with your kids in ways that bore you. Spend time doing things that you enjoy (while still letting them lead). I love to rough-house with my children, but I don’t enjoy participating in their pretend play as much—so I mostly skip doing that part to avoid sending the message that they shouldn’t like it either. It is perfectly fine for parents to back-off a little and let children play on their own or with other children, especially once they are 4 or 5 years old. Kids learn to entertain themselves this way, and to get along with other children.
- Pretend play is particularly beneficial, so make sure kids have ample time for it. Projecting personalities and having make-believe interactions with stuffies, toys, or imaginary companions is a healthy way for kids to develop the skills they need to focus their attention and get along with other children. Dramatic pretend play with two or more children stimulates social and intellectual growth, which in turn affects the child’s success in school.
The more complex the imaginative play, the better. Make sure that kids have enough time: a half hour is the minimum. Play that lasts several hours is better. Encourage kids to use symbolic props rather than prefab toys – sticks for fairy wands and boxes for cars or houses. Older children can be encouraged to participate in drama classes and clubs. But remember: ballet camp isn’t the same as making up a dance with friends in the backyard.
Selected references:
Brown, Stuart, and Christopher Vaughan. “Play: How It Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul”. New York: Avery, 2009.
Burdette, H.L., Whitaker, R.C. “Resurrecting Free Play in Young Children: Looking Beyond Fitness and Fatness to Attention, Affiliation, and Affect”. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 159, (2005): 5.
Hofferth, Sandra L., and John F. Sandberg. “Changes in American Children’s Time 1981-1997.“Advances in Life Course Research (2000): 1-49.
Smirnova, E.O., and O.V. Gudareva. “Igra I Proizvol’nost’ U Sovremennyh Doshkol’nikov [Play and Intentionality in Today’s Preschoolers] ” Voprosy psihologii 1, (2004): 91-103.
Happiness Tip: Take a Break
In today’s hyperbusy world, most people don’t take real breaks. “We are poisoned by the hypnotic belief,” writes Wayne Muller in his inspirational book Sabbath, “that good things come only through unceasing determination and tireless effort—and so we can never truly rest.”

It is a myth that we’ll only succeed “through unceasing determination and tireless effort,” of course. Olympic athletes must rest or they get hurt. Fruit trees forced to produce for more than one season lose their ability to bear fruit. And parents can slowly develop sleep debt so deep and burnout so profound that we are left too exhausted to function.
Take action: Today, lay down. Take a nap. Goof off a little. Stop to chat. All in the name of greater productivity—and happiness.
Join the discussion: (After you goof off!!) How do you feel after you take a little time for yourself? Share in the comments below!
Friday Inspiration: Pep Talk
Is your kid complaining of being bored? Are you jealous of your friends’ vacation? Clearly you need a PEP TALK from Kid President (and Robert Frost).
Thursday Thought
Patience, noun. A minor form of despair, disguised as a virtue.”
— Ambrose Bierce