Busy people tend to struggle with similar challenges.
We get overwhelmed. We have trouble saying no. We take care of others before we take care of ourselves. We question our careers, our parenting, our marriages, and our priorities. We check our phones constantly (and eat junk food and drink wine and stay busy and otherwise numb our feelings). And then we feel like we aren’t good enough.
But we know what we want.
We want to be seen by people who “get” us. We want to do meaningful work. We want amazing relationships with our spouses, our friends, and our children. We want the peace that comes with acceptance and self-compassion and self-care. We want to enjoy the small moments. We want to focus on what’s important. Most of all, we want to enjoy this life that we’ve worked so hard to create.
We want all this even though life is hectic and uncertain, even though we are not always (or ever) in control.
Great news: Everything we want is within reach.
Brave Over Perfect Coaching is an effective and affordable way to learn how to live with more courage, acceptance, joy, presence, self-compassion, gratitude, and authenticity.
Life is hectic and uncertain. You don’t have to be.
Life coaching—done right—works.
I’ve seen coaching massively change people’s lives in a very short period of time. I am trained as both a coach and, importantly, I have a PhD in sociology. This means that all of my coaching tools are evidence- and research-based.
People often ask: “Isn’t coaching expensive? And time-consuming? And difficult? And isn’t your waitlist like 50 people deep?”
Yes, individual coaching is expensive, and it can be hard and time-consuming. But there is absolutely no reason that coaching has to be 1-on-1. Group coaching is inexpensive, fun—and it is often even more effective.
It’s so much easier to see what other people need to fix—and to give them advice—than it is to address our own blind spots. From there, it’s a much shorter leap to taking our own advice.
Here’s the best part:
Brave Over Perfect Coaching is only $20 for three group coaching calls per month + an online community of like-minded people + a ton of online resources. (!!— For reference, my individual coaching—without the community and additional resources—is $250/hour.) Calls occur every other month (September, November, January, March, May, and July), to give you a chance to integrate what you’ve learned before jumping into coaching again.
Fall is here.
Let it be more than just hectic this year.
Let it be authentic, joyful, and fulfilling.
I hope you’ll join us! Our next live call is on November 8.
Learn more Enroll Now!